var label ='Access to data - cancellation of payment'; var NO_SEARCH_WORD ='Please enter a key word'; var INVALID_LOGIN_CREDENTIALS ='Error in entering your access codes'; var MANDATORY_FIELDS = 'All the data fields in red characters are compulsory to validate your modification'; var UNLINK_CONTRIBUTOR = 'Please confirm that you want to delete this Contributor's profile ?'; var UNLINK_CONSULTANT = 'Please confirm that you want to delete this Consultant's profile ?'; var EMAIL_NOT_UNIQUE = 'Your User profile could not be created as this email address has already been used for the profile of another Entity - kindly delete this profile and start again'; var PASSWORD_REISSUED = 'New access codes were sent to the following email address'; var MSG_DATA_SAVED = 'The data was successfully saved'; var MSG_CONFIRM = 'Confirm'; var MSG_ERROR = 'ERROR'; var MSG_OK = 'Ok'; var MSG_CANCEL = 'Cancel'; var MSG_YES = 'Yes'; var MSG_ENABLE_COOKIES = 'You must activate cookies to navigate this site'; var DATA_TABLE_ZERO_RECORDS = 'No information'; var GRID_LANG_URL = ''; var CHANGE_PSWD_2 = 'All the fields have to be filled in'; var CHANGE_PSWD_3 = 'You've entered a wrong password'; var CHANGE_PSWD_4 = 'Incorrect data for the new password'; var CHANGE_PSWD_5 = 'Password too short, min 6 characters'; var CHANGE_PSWD_6 = 'Password too long, max 18 characters'; var CHANGE_PSWD_7 = 'Unauthorized password'; var CHANGE_PSWD_8 = 'Erreur'; var REMOVE_LIST = 'Please confirm that you want to delete this favorites list'; var BIRTH_DATE_NOK = 'Wrong birthdate format'; var CONFIRM_RUPTURE = 'Confirm the request to send a contact cessation request'; var CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_ACTIVATE = 'Validate the account and the person will receive its credentials'; var PROMO_MANDATORY = 'Please fill in the promo code'; var CANNOT_REMOVE_LIST = 'The list cannot be removed';